
好書介紹:"The Start-up of You" by Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha

Our country faces enormous challenges. The path to the Hong Kong Dream has changed. We wanted to focus on what individual professionals can do to survive and thrive in a flat world. The premise of the book is that all of us are entrepreneurs of our own lives. We must act as CEO of our careers, take control of our professional future, and become globally competitive.

Not only can anyone be an entrepreneur, but they must be. Even you! Not everyone should start companies, but everyone must be the entrepreneur of his or her own life. The skills people need to manage their careers are akin to the skills of entrepreneurs when they start and grow companies.

For example, entrepreneurs can both be persistent on a plan and flexible when conditions change. They take intelligent risk. They build networks of allies and tap those networks for intelligence on what's happening in the world. Silicon Valley's most innovative entrepreneurs possess unique skills--you can learn them and apply them, no matter your profession.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t really about starting a business.  It’s a way of looking at the world: seeing opportunity where others see obstacles, taking risks when others take refuge. Whatever career you’re in or want to be in­ The Start-Up of You holds lessons for success.

後記: 這本書竟和本研究部的工作觀不謀宜合,每個人都須要成為自己的企業家,經營個人能力和事業,即使現在沒在開公司;也應該讓企業這個賺錢的系統,成為自己生活的一部分。 企業家精神不但求存---更要不斷進步;不斷適應挑戰,不斷尋找機會,要完全了解自己的「個人品牌」....同時要學懂善於與人合作,著眼建立網絡”(Networking) 而非關係”(Guanxi,值得香港的打工仔思考,改變處世之道和心態~
