


每次投資經驗均是累積智慧的良機,2012年即將完結, 在這個年終的時刻回顧、細心檢討,不斷累積財富,與展博研究邁向更康莊投資大道。












A股估值 已見吸引












人類的突破: 哲學

王陽翎到了現在,當初質疑喬布斯的說法,終於得到真正的平反,Apple 沒有了他,皇朝衰亡得太快,坦白說,可能看過他傳記的人,仍不時會想念他。








Thomas J. Watson Sr., the founder of IBM, was a master at taking a complex task and simplifying it so that everyone in the organization could understand and implement the objectives. He crafted IBM’s famous (and ubiquitous) motto from a single word: “THINK.” The motto epitomized Watson’s devout rationalism. “All the problems of the world,” he told his employees “could be solved easily if men were only willing to think.”

Watson was a man of action and it probably didn't occur to him that thinkers, having thought, sometimes failed to recognize that there is a time to quit thinking and take action. Since Watson’s time, the global economy has undergone a tectonic shift, and the leaders at IBM have realized that the old motto was a little out of sync and changed its official slogan to “THINK. THEN DO.” Still simple, easily understood, and implementable.


120928信報社評: QE3控制預期 信者自會得救


QE3控制預期 信者自會得救












展博天下 之 話工作~






展博天下 之 展博玄學立場


展博天下 之 展博金句

企業需要勇於承擔的人。當老是在開會,通常就是因為負責做決定的人,不願意或沒能力負責。「民主」或「多聽聽意見」,只是這種人常用的藉口。(IKEA創辦人Ingvar Kamprad - 一位家具商的誓約)


Can Hong Kong trust this man ?

Q&A: Hong Kong’s New Leader Is a Divisive Figure, but Aims to Build Bridges

Leung Chun-ying, often referred to as C.Y. Leung, is Hong Kong’s incoming Chief Executive. It’s a pressure cooker of a role that puts him at the helm of the freest and most international city of the world’s most populous nation, during times of economic uncertainty to boot. The 57-year-old former surveyor faces a daunting task. Immense income inequality, ruinously high property prices, an entrenched business oligarchy and a sophisticated population that aspires to greater political participation than the present system allows for: these are just some of the issues and stumbling blocks that could thwart his stated aim of bringing greater prosperity, equality and social cohesion to a feisty, semiautonomous region of 7 million. And he must do it under the scrutiny of both Beijing’s unblinking gaze and Hong Kong’s notoriously cutthroat press.

Leung’s humble beginnings — he is a police constable’s son — have endeared him to large sections of the Hong Kong community, but there are many who resent his close ties to Beijing and he has even been accused of being a crypto-communist. He is also embroiled in a scandal over unauthorized alterations to his luxury home on Victoria Peak, reports of which first surfaced in local press on June 19. Residential refurbishments may not sound like the stuff of political controversy, but when Leung’s poll rival Henry Tang confessed, at the height of his campaign, to illegal modifications to his home, it cost him the trust of a public that demands its leaders abide by the same onerous red tape as everyone else. Although Leung’s renovations were not as substantial as Tang’s, their existence is seen as a baffling lapse of judgment on Leung’s part, and critics are already calling for his resignation.

In an exclusive interview with TIME’s Zoher Abdoolcarim, Liam Fitzpatrick, Joe Jackson and Vanessa Ko, which took place on June 5, this often divisive figure reveals his plans for greater harmony.

What are the three things Hong Kong needs most?

Community building, a broader outlook on the future and a slightly more proactive role of government in economic development. I want to build the community across the various social strata, and also across the various ethnic groups. That would be the first thing. Secondly, we must put short-termism behind us. We have never looked long term — never in the history of Hong Kong. We must ask ourselves [for future generations], What should the coastline and topography of Hong Kong look like? Reclamation, opening up the countryside, infrastructural projects, community facilities, so on. We should start doing that kind of planning. Thirdly, my government will adopt a progrowth policy, to the extent of investing in enterprises. We should use a small part of our fiscal reserves to kick-start certain industries. We also need to make social investments. We need to plan for Hong Kong as an aging society in 10 or 20 years time. Another form of social investment would be cleaning up the environment.

You talk about building a community, but surely Hong Kong already has a sense of community?

Unlike other British colonies — ex-colonies — we did not become a new nation. And therefore there wasn’t a new national identity. There wasn’t a new citizenship. But I think Hong Kong needs to pull everyone together so that we do have this community spirit and that we share in a common fate, a common destiny.

Big business is concerned about interventionist government. What would you say to them to reassure them?

My policies are aimed at facilitating growth of Hong Kong’s overall economy for the benefit of both big and small to medium-size enterprises. I’m not trying to tip the playing field in favor of any group.

Does more affordable housing play a role in your vision of a more equitable society?
More affordable and more comfortable. The average unit size is too small to match Hong Kong’s state of economic development, and people are crying out for more elbow room. It applies not just to our housing stock. It applies to our workplaces. It applies to our hospitals, schools and so on. We have a very low standard of space per capita. Everywhere you look, people are crying out for more space.

There is a sense among some sectors of society that under you freedoms are going to be curbed in Hong Kong — that you are a stalking horse for China. Tell us what your response is.
I’d like to prove people who are apprehensive about me and my government wrong again, much in the same way as they have been proved wrong in the last 15 years. Before 1997, some people were publicly claiming that they would be put behind bars [after the resumption of Chinese sovereignty], or not be allowed to return if they left. Some people even feared that certain books or magazines would not be read in Hong Kong and that the Chinese government would somehow monitor the Internet. They’ve been proved wrong, and I can prove them wrong again.

Under Article 23 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong is required to enact antisubversion legislation, which critics say will curb freedoms. Do you intend to see this legislation through?

We need general acceptance in Hong Kong before any law enacted in accordance with Article 23 has any meaning. It’s not on my agenda.

How do you make the bridge between Hong Kong and China stronger?

I coined a phrase some 16 or 17 years ago, nei jiao. It means internal diplomacy. If we were a country, which we are not, China would be the single most important element in our foreign policy architecture. It would be even more important than Malaysia is to Singapore. But we are not an independent country, and therefore this is not foreign relations; it is internal diplomacy. In our interface with the mainland, many things are conducted like they are conducted in foreign relations. The relationship must be a managed relationship. [At present] we are not doing this internal diplomacy properly. We need to start with the [mainland Chinese] people to explain Hong Kong’s case to them, and Hong Kong’s role in the country.

What is Hong Kong’s role within China?

We are still a model in ways economic and noneconomic. When I say things noneconomic, I would include governance — and rule of law is a key element. Many, I sincerely believe they tell the truth, say that they still look to Hong Kong for inspiration.

Why is it that there’s a certain section of society that, no matter what you do or say, does not trust you and even fears you? How are you going to win them over?
I shall do more reaching out, do more open communication. It is important. I can’t shake the hands of everyone in Hong Kong and I can’t speak face to face, eye to eye with everyone, but I shall try to do my very best. Why? Two things. Hong Kong people have always had, and for good historical reasons, a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to their political leaders. Secondly, perhaps people see me as not a typical Hong Kong person. In my early days, as a young graduate, I spent most of my spare time running up and down the country giving lectures for free, paying for my own train fares, airfares to share what I had learned. [I’m] not a member of the Communist Party, but I’ve spoken at Communist Party cadre schools, talking to mayors and ministers about land and housing matters and how free-market forces allocate the use of land and housing. I’m also not typical in the way that I don’t have a foreign passport and never have. I never left Hong Kong — never emigrated, never looked to emigrate — and all my three children were born in Hong Kong. All these are not typical for someone of my background.

Low-income people tend to like you or at least want to give you a chance. Members of the elite seem to be more distrustful. Is it because you are the son of a policeman?
I hope not. Many people in the elite group still don’t believe in statistics. They don’t believe that we have abject poverty in Hong Kong. They don’t believe that half of the workforce in Hong Kong earns no more than 11,000 Hong Kong dollars a month [$1,400]. When I was supporting legislating for a minimum wage using facts and figures, many people in the elite said, “C.Y., the figures must be wrong because I don’t know anyone who earns less than $10,000.” The so-called elite in Hong Kong has what we call “Central District values,” and I think Hong Kong would do a lot better if everyone could just travel out a bit and see how, not just the other half, but probably the other 75%, lives.

If you had to name one single thing in your background that drives you, could you?

We were living in policemen’s married quarters in 1966. My father was turning 65, and a few years before that we came to realize that as soon as he retired, we would have to move out of the quarters. And public-housing policy at that time was such that retired officers were not allowed to apply for public housing. So there were two options. One was to hang on for as long as we could and protest against the eviction, which most of my neighbors did. And the other option was to fend for ourselves. My mother mobilized the entire family, and we worked around the clock at home piecing together plastic flowers and toys. I was 10 or 11 in those days, and I carried packs of materials back home from the factory — a 20- or 25-minute walk as a young boy. Nowadays it’s called child labor. But the family made as much as my father’s salary, which was 300 Hong Kong dollars a month [nearly $40 in today's exchange rate]. So by the time my father retired, we had enough money to pay for a small 450-sq.-ft. unit in [the once largely working-class district of] Kennedy Town. My father’s colleagues marched up to Government House to petition for their housing needs. We didn’t do that. [We were] self-reliant.

What would you be doing if you weren’t Chief Executive?

I’d probably be somewhere in England now, where my children are — we have three children, all at university, the eldest doing Ph.D. research in stem cells, two others doing their first degree. My wife’s in England, she goes there a lot because home is where the children are. She’s a lawyer by training. But two years ago, a junction suddenly appeared on the road. I was working at this professional consultancy looking after the Asia-Pacific region. And they said, “C.Y., we’d like you to take over and be the next chairman of the board of a global company.” Tempting. I would probably have a bachelor flat somewhere in London and I would buy a small working farm somewhere in the West Country, and I’d work Monday to Friday in London and spend time on the farm with the family on weekends. Heaven on earth. But if I turned into that junction, it would be — as far as my public service in Hong Kong is concerned — the point of no return. So I made the decision [to run for office]. It was the call of duty.

What is the most challenging issue facing the Hong Kong government?

Disengagement with the people. People are disenfranchised because they don’t vote, they are disengaged because we don’t talk to them, and we don’t listen, not directly. There is a sense of being disowned, and therefore, there’s a deep sense of distrust between the people and the government, or by the people of government. I want to bridge that gap and I want to re-engage with the people.

Isn’t it ironic that a sometimes divisive figure has been tasked with healing a divided city?

It’s a fair point. It’s a very good way of putting it. But we have to start somewhere.


展博天下 之 展博講波

一陣間有"歐債打比"  歐洲國家盃8強 德國 vs 希臘 23/6 2:45 

作為歐元區龍頭既德國, 應對靠借貸度日拖垮全球經濟及金融市場既歐豬國家逐一教訓,
德國已在分組賽教訓了葡萄牙, 依家八強要教訓希臘, 跟住四強意大利, 然後決賽教訓埋西班牙~

純粹個人意見, 不代表本研究部立場


展博天下 之 大市看法

“大市看法~本研究部認為大市進入本年底部萬八點...反彈指日可待~ 2012/5/28
一如所料,大市由萬八回升至萬九,言而市況仍然未明朗,未來希臘大選,歐債,中國經濟增長放援等等...大把問題俾大戶震倉~不要緊; 暴雨過後總見陽光~


展博天下 之 大市看法


明 楊慎《二十一史》彈詞第三章《說秦漢》



點歌仔: 三國主題曲

Super 4 不枉

編曲:Johnny Yim
監製: 鄧智偉

水滔滔 天蒼蒼
讓情義竭盡釋放 在那盡頭地方
活著是 生不辜負厚望
又或是 死得轟烈跌盪
患難是 一起經歷碰撞
淚流 被遍地花葬 身再傷
就贏盡漂亮一仗 萬世盛傳迴響
活著是 生不辜負厚望
又或是 死得轟烈跌盪
患難是 一起經歷碰撞
淚流 被遍地花葬 身再傷
活著是 生不辜負厚望
又或是 死得轟烈跌盪
患難是 一起經歷碰撞
淚流 被遍地花葬 身再傷


好書介紹:"The Start-up of You" by Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha

Our country faces enormous challenges. The path to the Hong Kong Dream has changed. We wanted to focus on what individual professionals can do to survive and thrive in a flat world. The premise of the book is that all of us are entrepreneurs of our own lives. We must act as CEO of our careers, take control of our professional future, and become globally competitive.

Not only can anyone be an entrepreneur, but they must be. Even you! Not everyone should start companies, but everyone must be the entrepreneur of his or her own life. The skills people need to manage their careers are akin to the skills of entrepreneurs when they start and grow companies.

For example, entrepreneurs can both be persistent on a plan and flexible when conditions change. They take intelligent risk. They build networks of allies and tap those networks for intelligence on what's happening in the world. Silicon Valley's most innovative entrepreneurs possess unique skills--you can learn them and apply them, no matter your profession.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t really about starting a business.  It’s a way of looking at the world: seeing opportunity where others see obstacles, taking risks when others take refuge. Whatever career you’re in or want to be in­ The Start-Up of You holds lessons for success.

後記: 這本書竟和本研究部的工作觀不謀宜合,每個人都須要成為自己的企業家,經營個人能力和事業,即使現在沒在開公司;也應該讓企業這個賺錢的系統,成為自己生活的一部分。 企業家精神不但求存---更要不斷進步;不斷適應挑戰,不斷尋找機會,要完全了解自己的「個人品牌」....同時要學懂善於與人合作,著眼建立網絡”(Networking) 而非關係”(Guanxi,值得香港的打工仔思考,改變處世之道和心態~






以前一部電視雪櫃閒閒地玩三幾十年,而家三幾年,難道今時今日既科技不如前?顯然唔係,而係因為以前做得太好,要買電視既都買晒,咁d廠點增長?出新機, 新科技,你就想買,丟左舊果部.然後新機特鳩登set好三幾年自動燒撚左,可能燒既只係一粒野,成部野原料都新新淨淨,但你侷住又要買,生意長做長有,透 過無盡既浪費去維持經濟增長!




古往今來,世界歷史都作如是觀.搞撚到最後唔掂檔,就會想拖,拖長佢慢慢諗計,但諗條春咩,到最後真係唔掂檔,就唯有用戰爭黎解決.戰爭可以掠奪他國,用 他國既物資黎平衡自己就黎玩撚完既經濟;戰爭可以死人,死一大堆人就再次進入百廢待興期,失業率冇晒;戰爭可以轉移視線,本來平民因為經濟衰退食都冇得食 就黎反檯,戰爭令到所有人突然收爹,變成只關心國家打贏定打輸!

有睇開呀叔以前寫既野都知我認為呢幾年戰事係不可避免,中東戰線伊朗再難打最終必打,此乃美國行左廿鳩幾年既棋,絕冇可能臨門一腳釋迦牟尼再世慈悲為懷放 你一馬;亞洲戰線美國圍堵中國越箍越緊,早兩日再放菲律賓同越南出黎咬,如無意外跟住果招就係叫埋印度由西南咬;歐洲戰線已比睪盛為首既冷坦iban十鳩 前前埋落炸彈等爆,隨時咸家富貴.表面睇,美國好似玩撚晒!


共產黨近30年奉行鄧小平韜光養晦政策,明知唔夠美國揪凡事忍讓等機會.但近日包括南海同東海方面都突然有略強硬表態,尋日4月22中國同俄羅斯聯合軍 演,而且規模有史以來最大,今日4月23則北韓突然吠兩聲話要搞撚掂南韓,各種跡象顯示胡錦濤搞撚掂上海幫後,開始係各方面有企硬之勢,有蓄勢待發之態!

北韓條肥懵鳩隨時連自己國家有幾多部門都未搞清,各部門呀頭邊個搭邊個都唔叉知,突然扮乜撚野勁?以當今局勢推算,極有可能係已同共產黨有檯底協議,甚至 連俄羅斯都有份.美國搵菲律賓同越南吠中國,中國就搵北韓咬美國.世界大棋局,就係2012展開,股市樓市仆柒街指日可待!


展博天下 之“盛女” 背後




老實說如果單身主義成主流,那麼甚麼speed date、婚姻介紹所及近年流行的wedding planner都要吃西北風了,而少人結婚了,酒樓、酒店、婚紗攝影、蜜月旅行等的生意自然都少了,牽連甚廣,所以這些企業必定聯合起來,向你promote「結婚」這個商品。


展博天下 之 港股短評

港股今日出現觸目既黃金交叉(10SMA over 250SMA)同時接近本研究部預期既反彈上限 (約近二萬二點)是大牛市重臨或大反彈完結呢? 很快會知道各答案; 大家可拭目以待....


展博天下 之 2012 政經分析

通識題: 馬英九, 唐英年, 奧巴馬 有何共通點?

今年係壬水龍年, 也是全球58個國家都有選舉既年份, 正所謂水無常形” .由政局交替而衍生出來的經濟問題, 往往是難以預計的

紐約星宿財富顧問公司(Constellation Wealth Advisors)的首席投資長山姆卡茲曼(Sam Katzman)說:「現在還有很多不確定性。近期的市場反彈很好,但能不能持續?」

本研究所撰文時馬英九已經順利當選, 而香港則在情人節是香港特別行政區第四屆行政長官提名開始唐唐會是香港人心裡未來特首的理想情人嗎?


在當今政局勢頭穩定作為選舉工程的基本條件, 政策面沒有重大改變的大前提下,股市可望表現先高後低的格局有人問幾時先買貨? 本研究認為不用急於一時買貨年底有望回到萬六; 然後再上再形成大形上落市格局當然個別主題股份仍然可以炒作,惟只可中短線操作。


展博天下 之 點歌時間

劉威煌 (Ryan Lau) - 潛伏(電視劇《真相》主題曲)


場地配人選與事情 前後配合給你合適的反應
潛伏眼淚掩蓋實情 誰犯錯誰都會辯駁擾人視聽

有一雙眼做證 錯覺作弄眼睛 誰看清

記憶各種層次 連貫著更多懷疑
猶豫像不止 將傷痛劃破展示
哪一層次 情結讓痛苦蔓延
誰又在飾演 真相交錯未顯現
內心的碎片 沒有誰看見

潛伏愛情隱蔽未明 沉著佈局一切並不需考證
能用眼淚洗脫罪名 蒙著眼迷戀悔恨最擾人視聽



各類統計 (資料截至2011年12月31日)









根據    現有的資料,主要的結論包括:

l          1) 從目前希臘的孳息曲綫來看與數周前並無明顯分別,市場對希臘債券違約的預期並未出現大變化
l          2) 希臘國內絕大部份民眾仍希望留在歐元區內,以避免國家經濟出現毀滅性的打擊。故此削減赤字的行動最終將獲得民眾支持,獲得通過。
l          3) 希臘退出歐元區對本身經濟傷害很大,但對整體歐元區卻不算系統性風險
l          4) 研究部認為雖然目前市場就歐債問題的焦點在於西班牙和意大利但是希臘的局勢短線仍可能對市場造成一定的衝擊。整付的客戶應注意市場風險,投資策略方面應該仍以保守為主